Safety and environmental protection are of paramount importance. It is essential for SMS CAMEROUN Sarl to conduct its activities in such a way as to protect the health and the environment of operations, to ensure the safety of its employees, its subcontractors and all those affected by its operations.
Our goals :
- no injury, no work stoppage and no occupational disease
- no pollution, no degradation of nature or the environment
- total respect for safety, health and the environment in all operations, all choices and all directives
- total respect of the standards and the rules of the art of the petroleum industry as well as the laws and regulations of the country in relation to our activities
This involves :
- that our teams at all levels are responsible and account for all questions concerning safety, health and compliance with any Safety, Health and Environmental protection policy
- that all our employees and subcontractors constantly watch over safety in general and are responsible for the safety of all those around them and the operating environment.
We have to :
- develop effective procedures and set ourselves high environmental safety performance levels;
- identify the dangers, assess and control the risks of our operations;
- Ensure that our employees and subcontractors are properly trained to work safely and prepared to deal with emergency situations;
- report all incidents concerning safety and the environment, study and analyze them to prevent their recurrence;
- regularly audit our compliance with our health, safety and environment policy.
Measures envisaged to control the specific technological risks linked to the work to be carried out:
The main technological risks linked to this type of work are related to the health of the people involved and to environmental protection, these include:
- risk of falling (slippery surfaces due to oily sludge);
- risks of suffocation or dizziness linked to the presence of chemical vapors;
- risk of irritation of the skin, eyes or mucous membranes;
- the risk of explosion ;
- claustrophobia linked to the lack of light and environmental pollution.